Pastel chips of content

Reading time: 3 minutes

I had a hankering to tweak this blog’s presentation a bit. Here’s what it looked like this morning:

Bleugh! Straightforward content? Simple design? Restraint? Thanks, but no. It’s like this guy’s never heard of responsive web pages.

First, let’s make each of those posts pop a little bit more.

Yeah, yeah! Subtle, I like it. Tiny thing, it needs more color.

Now we’re talking.

I manually picked out some pastels and selected one randomly for each blog post chip.

Let’s add some shine to the blog post detail page. Here’s where we started:

I differentiated the title section, and gave the main content the same pastel chip design we used on the list page.

I could see that the pastels we use in the list view are a little too rich to sit as a constant background while reading a long-form post. What should we do? I don’t want to hard-code a set of ’light pastels’ and ‘very slightly lighter pastels’. Firstly, I don’t trust my eye enough, and secondly it sounds cumbersome.

Instead, let’s generate the colors on the fly. Looking at the colors I selected through manual color picking, I could see a pattern: one color channel was at full intensity (255), while the other two channels had a smidge taken off the top. Let’s generate all the possible color codes following this pattern:

This gives us a nice auto-generated set of pastels. I think there’s a more elegant way to express this idea, but the only thing that still captures my attention is candy colors.

Here’s what this generated color list looks like:

This code gives a very natural way to tweak the ‘depth’ of the pastels, by varying how far we’re willing to pull each channel away from full intensity. For example, a depth of 10 means we’ll generate all the colors in which any two channels have any value between 245 and 255. A higher depth naturally produces richer colors, since the color channels are allowed to stray further below full intensity. On the list page, where we can tolerate a bit more richness, we’ll use a depth of 8. On the post detail page, where readability is key, we’ll generate pastels with a maximum depth of 3.

320 colors generated
Aside: one hiccup with the visualization above is knowing how many rows and columns to use to lay out the generated colors. I know how many colors I've generated, and I know I want to present them in a square grid, so I set the row and column count to be the square root of the color count.

We’ll also need a way to control the depth that each page will use. My web development chops are nascent, so I just did what made sense to me. On each DOM element that should be colored with the chip design, I included a pastel-depth-{num} class. The JavaScript then looks for a class matching this format to know what colors to pick from.

This blog post, and the content described herein, was my first time trying JavaScript. More importantly, it was my first time using the DOM as a canvas.


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